sobota, 27 czerwca 2015


Dzisiaj rano dostałam wiadomość od HM, że bardzo dziękują za czas i rozmowy mailowe, ale zmieniają kierunek, czy coś w tym stylu, i nie potrzebują dzisiejszej rozmowy na skype. Od razu zeszli mi z profilu. W sumie sama nie wiem co to oznacza, czy rezygnują całkowicie z programu czy znaleźli inną au pair. Może faktycznie oni wyobrażali sobie, że au pair to będzie im wszystko w domu robiła itd, a ktoś ich jednak uświadomił, że tak nie będzie? W sumie ciekawi mnie to trochę. Poza tym wydawało się, że są bardzo niezdecydowani. Najpierw mieli datę wylotu na listopad, później zmienili na wrzesień. No cóż, w sumie dobrze, że sami zeszli, nie będę musiała im odmawiać.

W środę odbyły się organizowane z CC warsztaty matchingowe. Większość już wiedziałam, ale zawsze znajdzie się coś nowego. Jak już zapewne wszyscy wiedzą w CC au pair może mieć tylko jedną rodzinę. Są dwa rodzaje matchy: pierwszy rodzaj to dopasowywanie przez biuro w Bostonie, a drugi to każda rodzina może sama zmatchować się z au pair i trwa on 48 h. Rodzina natomiast może mieć na profilu 3 au pair. I jeśli dobrze zrozumiałam to jedna może być taką "główną" kandydatką i z nią rodzina może mieć dłuższy match, a pozostałe 2 są dodatkowe i z nimi ma krótki chyba 48 h. Jeśli źle napisałam to proszę o poprawienie.

Już jakiś czas temu chciałam napisać post o mojej aplikacji, a dokładnie pokazać dwa najważniejsze fragmenty czyli list i filmik. W końcu zebrałam się w sobie i nakręciłam go, więc w końcu mogę go upublicznić :)



Dear Future Host Family,

My name is Agnieszka I am 26 years old and I come from Poland. I live in beautiful medium-size city – Kielce between Cracow and Warsaw. I live here with my family, my mother – Teresa, father – Waldemar, two brothers – Piotr and Krzysztof, sister – Malgorzata and our dog – Sonia. We all are very close, help each other and support. My mother graduated from tailoring school but after my brother was born she did not go back to work. My father has own company, my brother Piotr works there too. Second brother in this year graduated from high school, and wants to go to the university in October 2015, and my sister is a student. I am the oldest of children in my family so I learnt be responsible for other people very early.

I am very active person. Now I have full time job, I work 8 hours per day and I am a scout leader. This mean that every Friday I spend 2 hours with 20 children. Earlier I have to prepare this meeting, what I want to do with them or what and how I want to teach them something. Also I am preparing  other events like winter or summer camps, 3-days camp in school time, bike trip, hike trip and so on. In my free time I like meet with my friends, go to the movie, restaurant or karaoke, play billiards or bowling. Sometimes I like go to theater, concert or meeting with interesting people. Of course sometimes I like to stay at home with interesting book or watch my favorite tv series. When I have more free time, like 7 days for example, I like go to Mazury, place in Poland where are many lakes, and sailing. This is amazing part of Poland where you can see beautiful nature, feel warm gust of wind, feel real freedom and forget about all problems. On this trip in the evening I like sitting around fire camp, playing guitar and singing.

Now I want to tell you something about my childcare experience. Since I remember children was in my live. I have 7 years old younger brother than me, so since he born I am watching how he is growing up. When I was 18 he was 11 and when parents was leaving at the weekend I took care of him. I am scout since I was 8 years old, so when I was 18 I started work as a volunteer on scout camp as counselor. I do it till now. On this camp I am sailing with kids, teaching them how to do it. We also play volleyball, soccer, chase and many different games and gambol. Every evening we have fire camp and during it we were singing, playing, telling many stories. I also was a counselor on winter camp. There was more winter activity and creative classes in the building for example weaving. Since November 2013 I have my own scout team. We having meetings every Friday for 2 hours. I try to teach them through play. I teach kids about history of our country, science, topography. We were also going to many different trips. In this year we visited historical places in our city, Geological Park, visit Fire Station and so on. 

When I was studing I also work as a nanny. First time I take care of 5 – years old boy – Cezary. I picked him up from kindergarten and we spent time together until his mother went back from work. We were walking, watching nature, playing on the playground. When we were at home we were reading books, playing Lego and we were building cars or boats and play with it. Second boy I took care of was Mateusz. He was 6 years old when I started this job. I spent  with him 5 hours a day when he was sick. His parents were all the time at home because they’re working there. When we are together we do puzzle, because he loves it and when Mateusz starts puzzle he can’t stop. When we were doing it we were listening audiobook like Children with Bullerbyn Astrid Lindgren or The Adventures of Nicholas Rene Goscinny. I were reading book for Mateusz too. Mateusz have many board games and we played it together and another of his toys. I looked after him if he ate all his dishes and helped him while eating.

Now I write to you what I like doing with children. When outside is warm I like play scooter, basketball, volleyball with them. I like go to park or playground and play with children near nature. When outside is cold or wet I like reading a books for them, puzzle together, drawing or painting. I like to cook so we can prepare meals together with fancy look.

I want to tell you why I want to be an au pair. Firstly I really like spend time with children. When we have any of family meeting more time I spend with children than with adults. Time with children give me so many positive energy and a lot of happiness. Secondly I want to see real American lifestyle, and I know that it is the best opportunity to do it. Of course I want to improve my English skills and find the best collage class for me. 

Why you should choose me? Because I am responsible, mature, cheerful. I have smile for all children. I like children and they like me, I quickly make a contact with them. 

I hope that you could better know me from this letter. I am ready to get in touch with you if you need more information. 

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

2 komentarze:

Unknown pisze...

Fajny filmik , list też , ale nie dałabym Ci 26 lat wyglądasz młodziej :)

Paulina pisze...

Bardzo fajny filmik! Widać, że dobrze czujesz się przed kamerą :) Trzymam kciuki na szybki PM :)